Start your retirement journey with confidence
Verify the information below to schedule your retirement appointment.
At this appointment you can expect to receive answers to questions like:
- What is your projected retirement date?
- How much income will you receive upon retirement?
- Will you experience a retirement income gap?
- How can the social security offset can affect your pension?
- How can you buy back years of service?
- What is your spousal benefit and how does it work?
- How to prepare your beneficiary succession plan?
- Do you qualify for a partial lump sum option (PLSO)
- Does the idea of preparing for retirement overwhelm you?
- Start, stop, or transfer your existing 403(b)
- Which 403(b) options have guaranteed income when you retire?
- Do you know what sources of retirement income will be available to you?
- Are you afraid you will outlive your retirement money?
- Want to learn more about Pension maximization plans?
- Are you behind on saving and want to find out your best options to get caught up?
- Obtain a 403(b) analysis detailing how to maximize your 403(b) income and keep it protected from loss
- Learn which district approved 403(b) savings options allow you to save more money for retirement without affecting your take-home pay